
For the Dinning Room

This painting was done on a Saturday morning in late Fall. I just saw a few paintings and pictures of ballerinas the week before and felt the urge to pull something together from a few sources and memory. It's definitely not the most "spot-on" anatomically, but the mood and brushwork was right where i wanted it. The painting is now abiding in a beautiful gold frame in the dinning room of a patron and friend.

Love the Summertime

It's getting warm again in New England (today is 70!), so it seems like the perfect opportunity to show off some of my paintings of last summer. Just about every week my wife, son and I make our way to the town of Milford on the coast of Connecticut (It's about 15 minutes from our house). I always bring the camera along and it seems like everywhere I look, a great painting is waiting. Below is a painting of a dinghy on the coast and a ship yard near the beach that we walk on. I hope it's a short Spring for all of us, I can't wait to slip into some shorts and sandals.